Thank you for understanding the missing update for last week.
My mom and I had a wonderful trip to Minnesota. It turned out that 4 6 of my six siblings joined us.
The guest teacher was so pleased with the class and how they cooperated with a new teacher.
This week we will continue to write numbers each morning as the children arrive. They are doing such a wonderful job trying to be neat and becoming aware of reversed numbers.
We will introduce the greater than, less than, and equal sign. We will focus on numbers 0-10 for this skill. We are also working on counting to 100 by ones, counting on from any number, (12, 13, 14, 15), and the consecutive number is always one more.
We will be reviewing all the skills introduced this year.
This gives the students more time to become strong in recognizing the letters, upper and lower case
A through K, as well as words, here, is, an, a, the, see, I.
The children are learning the words compare and contrast, fiction, fantasy, and real.
They are also learning the difference between a poem and a story, the author and the illustrator.
Fire Station
Our class will be visiting the Fire Station on Wicks and St. Andrews on Friday, Oct. 11.
Please watch for the permission slip to come home on Monday in the homework folder.
We will take the MET Bus. The MET bus allows us to do this free of charge. Parents can meet us at the Fire Station. We will be there around
10:30 and return about 11:40. This is during our lunch so we will eat as soon as we return.