Letters of the week
The children will practice writing and recognizing the letters in their color sheets, in the books and poems we read.
The children are learning about rhyming words in the songs we sing and books and poems we read.
Alphabet match
ABC order
Unit 1 Theme is,Who Am I?
We talked about what makes them special. This week we will talk about what they like to play and about their feelings.
Sight words
The children have been learning the sight word the.
This week we will add the words
here, is, a, an.
They will be using the pocket chart to build sentences with these words.
They will also be making a book using the pattern
Here is an ___________________.
When they bring their book home help them track the words by pointing under each word.
Try to "trick" them and choose a word in isolation to see if they know the word or have the pattern memorized. Memorization is the beginning of reading.
Homework folders
Homework folders have another reading worksheet to be done as a parent/child activity.
They each are bring home their name written and laminated to practice using a washable marker.
Remember to start at the top where the pink dots are.
They are bringing home a Chester book that we did in small groups. The children were learning to track, (point under each word) and use picture clues to help with unknown words.
I have included a sheet with letters on it. Your child can cut them apart and play Memory, matching the upper and lower case letters.
The children will complete making the number line 0-20.
The goal by the end of October is that the children will be able to identify numbers 0-20.
This week we will focus on counting objects and correctly writing the number.
Counting to 10
Seahorse Counting
Saturday Live
Saturday Live is this weekend at Pioneer Park.
Our school raises money by selling brown paper bags with candy in it. The children never know what they will find in their bag. PTA would greatly appreciate any donation of non-chocolate candy for this
fund raiser.
PTA Non-fund Fundraiser
PTA has sent home an envelope asking for donations to support all their activities for the year.
They do this instead of selling candy, wrapping paper, or magazines.
Receive a Text from me
If you would like to receive a text from me about important information and school happening let me know and I will tell you how to set it up.
My last bit of information is to let you know that I will be out of town on Friday. My mother of 86, has requested that I accompany her to her home town in Minnesota to meet a relative from Germany. This means the blog may be late in it's next posting.
Thanks for checking it out.