Week of December 3
Friday's show and tell will be to bring something with the letter Hh.
Over the next three weeks the children will be learning about the five senses.
Tuesday Dec. 4th they are asked to bring something to school that makes a sound and we will guess what it is or where the sound is coming from within the room.
Thursday, Dec. 6th they are asked to bring something to school for us to smell and guess what it might be.
We will continue to review geometric solids and plane shapes or also known as flat shapes.
We will be learning the greater and less than sign this week and comparing numbers 0 through 20.
Reading Tips for Parents
Play with letters, words, and sounds! Having fun with language helps
your child learn to crack the code of reading. The tips below offer some fun
ways you can help your child become a happy and confident reader.
Try a new tip each week. See what works best for your child.
■ Talk to your child.
Ask your child to talk about his day at school.
Encourage him to explain something they did,
or a game he played during recess.
More ideas found at site http://www.readingrockets.org/article/7834/
Numbers to 100
Number Identification
Greater or Less Than
ABC order