Thursday, November 1, 2012

Week of November 5

Letter of the Week 

We  will continue to review  A, B, M, R, S, T, and learning to combine the letters to spell out 3-letter words such as  fat, sat, mat, rat, and Sam,

We will be reviewing the four basic shapes.
Square, triangle, rectangle and circle.
They will be learning that the square has four vertices (corners) and 4 equal sides.
A triangle has 3 vertices, 3 straight sides.
A rectangle has 4 vertices,  and 4 straight sides, usually two sides long, two sides short.
A circle has zero vertices and zero straight sides.

The children will continue to review numbers 0-20 by shaking dice and draw objects to match number.

ScienceWe are starting our Sky unit.  We will start off by becoming aware of the clouds in the sky.  Next  the students will learn the difference between the different types of clouds.

Interactive games.

Reading--Letter Ff

Math--Snakes and ladders

ABC and Number dot to dot.

ABC puzzles