Sunday, November 3, 2013

Week of Nov. 3      

Early out Wednesday, Thursday, and Fridayat 11:50.
Conferences start Wednesday afternoon. through Thursday night.

A link to understanding the math section of the report card and what it means.

Link to understand the reading portion of the report card. 

We will be reviewing the letters A through P, matching the upper and lower case letters, as well as writing the letters.

The students are learning the sight words,  I, a, an, the, see, we, here, is, while reading during their reading groups.  They are becoming more confident in rhyming words, counting the number of syllables a word, counting the number of words in a sentences, counting the number of letters in a word, and beginning to hear the difference between the beginning sound versus a rhyming word.

 Math will continue on the difficult task of understanding the teen numbers.  They will be building the teen numbers on a ten frame and learn to group the set of ten ones to represent number 1 in the tens place.  This task is called composing and decomping numbers.  Eventually they will be able to tell you that one ten and 3 ones is 13,  or 15  is one ten and 5 ones.

Ten Frame game

Double Ten Frame 

This week we will be reading several fiction books about pancakes.  We will be comparing and contrasting the stories, learning to sequence picture cards, and tie the lessons in with the five senses science unit.  On Thursday the students will be making pancakes and butter.  If any parent would like to help us with the project please call, 281-6205 or email at,  We will start the activity around 10:30.

Parent volunteers.  I know that several of you indicated that you would like to help with projects at school.  I have learned that you have to fill out a background check form.  This form is available with Christy in the the office.