The children will be dismissed at 11:50 on Wednesday.
The teacher's will be at an in service. Thursday and Friday is
Teacher's Convention.
Math--The children will continue developing their understanding of great than, less than and equal.
They are learning to read the number sentence. 9 is greater than 8, or 3 is less than 10, or 8 is equal to 8.
Counting Fish
Number 1-20 Dot to Dot
Reading--We will take this week to review the letters, upper and lower case, A-L before adding more when we return from the break.
The children have two new pattern books they are learning to read, or in most cases memorize. They are learning to use the picture clues, get their lips ready for the beginning sound, and review the sight words.
here, see, I, a, an, the, is
ABC dot to dot
Alphabe puzzle game
Halloween project
Our class, along with our third grade buddies will be doing a community out reach project by making pumpkins for a local nursing home. Each student is asked to bring two rolls of toilet paper to school by Friday, Oct. 25. One pumpkin is for home and one will be shared.
Pack the House in Pink is this Tuesday. Wear something pink.