Math-- This week the children will be working on measurement. They will be learning to use the vocabulary for tall, taller, tallest, big, bigger, biggest, small, smaller, smallest, big, medium, small, heavy, light, short, and long.
Measurement games.
Reading--We now have reading groups four days a week. Because we have so many levels of abilities the children will meet with me in a small group twice a week. While the reading groups are busy working the rest of the students are at the their center where they are working on math and reading skills.
Please continue to read the take home books that your child brings home.
Steps to improve reading are listed below.
1- Discuss the picture on the cover and talk about what the book is about, who the author and illustrator are.
2.--Do a picture walk. This means look at all the pictures and talk about what is happening. This sets the child up for predicting the difficult words.
3.--Read the story. The children are to point under each word as they read.
4.--When they come to a unknown word, first look at the pictures, next, say the beginning sound and any sounds left in the word. This is called, "Get your lips ready."
5.--Have your child retell the story they just read.
New Book orders will be coming home soon. Book orders can be done on line or just sent it to school with your check.
I Love To Read month is in February
To encourage reading I am inviting any parent or grandparent to come and read to our class. We would make arrangement to set a time that is most convenient for you. Please call or email.