Friday, March 8, 2013


The children have spent the last three weeks learning to use the plus and equal sign.  This week they will be learning to use the minus sign for subtration.  The goal for all kindergarten students is to add and subtract any number up to five off the top of their head by the end of the year.

Addtion games[0]=addition&level=1


Building Tens

Social Studies

We have been learning about out neighborhood and how we are part of Billings,  which is part of  Montana, which is part of the US, and the world.

Reading games

ABC Dot to dot

         Third quarter report cards are quickly approaching and I am excited about the students’ growth.  This year the school district is not having 3rd quarter conferences.  If you would like to have a conference please send a note, call (281-6205) or send me an email.  (  I would be happy to set this up with you.

  This is letter Ee week.  We will be graphing our favorite way to eat eggs.  On Friday we will be making eggs.  It would be greatly appreciated if anyone would be willing to send one dozen eggs to school.  Please let me know so I know how many I will need to get .
    A reminder that picture day is Thursday, March 14.   

  The week of March 18 will be letter Qq week.  On Friday, March 22, the children will be allowed to wear their pajamas and bring their favorite blanket (quilt).  Please make sure to send shoes for our outdoor recess time.

     The week of March 25 is a short week for all District 2 students.  Wednesday, March 27 is a half day and there is no school the rest of the week.